Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

The “regular” Library volunteers wish to express our deep gratitude to the many helpful hands who moved your Library back to its “home” on Saturday 4 May.  We were gifted with the the help of Kaylyn Ahrens who came to get photos and a story and left only after moving MANY boxes of books!  Thank you, Kaylyn!  We are exceedingly delighted with the seriously hard work contributed by Wyatt Latimer, Briggs Rambo, and Owen Tran; we can’t thank you guys enough.  The day would not have been the great success it was without Molly Terhaar and Evvy, Gloria, Hazel, and Gus.  We are forever in debt to Whitney Westhoff and Mason and Aubrey.  We are enormously grateful for the help of Tanis Uhlorn and Tristan and Rayna.  Many thanks, also, to Jim and Sally Rehder who always lend a helping hand when anyone needs it.  We thank Jim Steinke who made several trips with his trailer full of items.  All the “regulars” were there, as well; endless thanks to Emmett Wilson, Carissa Jones, Colleen Wilson and Joan Brown.  If I’ve missed anyone, it’s because you kept me too busy to notice, and I apologize. 
Every Library item has been moved out of storage and work will begin in earnest to organize the books and situate the furniture where it belongs.  Volunteers are always welcome and we greatly appreciate your dedication.  The Library Board will be meeting to iron out “executive decisions” on Tuesday 7 May.  Please message cottonwoodlib@gmail.com to let us know when you can help and we’ll be sure to have someone there, the door open and the lights on.  Thanks to all. 
To the Editor,
Don’t vote early!
I don’t recall being allowed to vote on the changing of our voting process.  Mail in ballots came about as a consequence of the plandemic which pushed this dangerous idea through undemocratically.
We are about to vote on an import levy which will affect our private property taxes significantly and yet our county is allowing this key vote to be done remotely and ahead of time opening the door for lots of “adjustments” to our votes.
Just say No to voting remotely, early and often.
Sandy (Sanford) Staab


















Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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