To the Library and Beyond
The “Regulars” extend our heart-felt thanks to helpful volunteers: Greg and Lydia Deiss, Mary Lorentz, Anthony Forsmann and Carson Lockart.  We’re doing whatever we can do to get those books back on the shelves close to where they belong.  The work continues Monday through Friday.  Please join us any morning after 10 to hasten the reopening of your Library.  Volunteering helps us feel happier and enhances our social skills. 
As we work our way through the last week of May we hope that all our written procedures are reliable, that we are happily Aware of our Mental Health, that we’ve Gotten Caught Reading at least once, that we’ve reveled with the disabled in their achievements and potential, and that we’ve observed the Power of Connection among Older Americans. 
June is African-American Music Appreciation Month/Black Music Month “Created by President Jimmy Carter in 1979 [we celebrate] the African American musical influences that comprise an essential part of our nation’s treasured cultural heritage.”  “[The 2024 theme is African Americans and the Arts.]” 
Many people appreciate Audiobooks and June is the month specified for that. 
Monday 27 May is Memorial Day, honoring those who lost their lives while defending our country.  On Friday 31 May our Nation is challenged to “Speak In Sentences.”  Yes, we will.      
In 2018 Prairie Community Library served 2,023 people.  January through September 2023 we served 1,735 people. 
Our purpose is to maintain Prairie Community Library as a service to the community.  We aspire to provide connections for people and information. 
You can volunteer with a message to  As we celebrate Memorial Day we remember your many thoughtful donations, and we assure you that all your donations are greatly appreciated.  "Goodness is the only investment that never fails."