Water Report Available
The City of Cottonwood 2023 Drinking Water Report generated from 2023 sampling results and Monitoring Requirements Not Met Report are available at the Cottonwood City Hall, 506 King Street, Cottonwood, Idaho.
The report was also sent to consumers with the May, 2024 water bills.  Please contact City Hall at (208) 962-3231 if you would like a copy of the report sent to you.
Memorial Day services to be held
VFW Post 4902 will be holding Memorial Day services on Monday, May 27 at the Ferdinand and Keuterville Cemeteries.
They will be at the Ferdinand Cemetery at 10 a.m. and then move on to Keuterville for an 11 a.m. ceremony.
All are invited to attend and pay respects to the military veterans who have passed on.
Elementary concert set for Friday
Prairie Elementary Spring Concert is Friday May 24th at 1::00 p.m. in the elementary gymnasium.  All are welcome!
One student identified
We have at least one identification on the 1st-2nd grade photo in last week’s Chronicle.
Jan (Beckman) Sewell emailed us and said she is sure the boy on the left of the front row with the glasses is her father Richard Beckman.







Cottonwood, Idaho 83522
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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
or cotchron@qwestoffice.net
Fax 208-962-7131
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