NRA Foundation awards grant
The NRA Foundation has awarded the St. John Bosco Academy Gun Club a grant totaling $13,200 to fund training materials for the schools pistol club and trap shooters, items include, handguns, ammo, clay pigeons, shot gun shells and targets.  "We are very excited about St. John Bosco Academy being able to continue with free gun training for our students" said Amy Gorges, gun club leader, "and pleased that the NRA is making an investment in our community."
The students in the SJBA Gun Club can participate in free training once a month for pistol courses which include gun safety, marksmanship, and tactics. The students travel to American Freedom Defense (AFD) in Greencreek for the training. Jim and Amy Gorges, instructors at AFD provide the training for free, and with this grant the NRA Foundation provides most of the necessary supplies and equipment. During the spring semester the high school students have a gun elective class taught by Gene Weckman, which included trap shooting and pistol training.
St. John Bosco Academy would like to extend an invitation to the youth in the community to join our club! Students that are home schooled or at the public school are welcome to join.
Prior to attending the monthly 2 hour training, each student is required to attend a Basic Pistol Course.
There is only 1 scheduled Basic Pistol Course that is FREE. It will be held on June 6th from noon-5:00 pm at AFD, Greencreek.  The first 14 students to sign up will be accepted. To register, please email or call AFD at 208-935-5734. Students must be 12 years of age before attending the class.

Pictured are the high school students participating in in Gun Club: L-R, Stallone Hoene, Maleah Cummings, Sarah Waters, Rachel Sonnen, Noah Beckman, Instructor Amy Gorges, Dustin Kaschmitter, Levi Wassmuth and Instructor Gene Weckman. Photo submitted by Amy Gorges.

In this photo are some of the youth participating in in monthly training for the SJBA Gun Club.  Frank and Oliver Dahlsrud, Caleb Blakley, Henry Baldwin, Simon and Gus Hagen. Picture on the steel range at AFD. Photo submitted by Amy Gorges.




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