Tabitha Key named Mother of the Year
Below is the essay written by Bailey Key that earned her mother Tabitha Key the Mother of the Year award at the Mother-Daughter Tea.
Dear Mom,
I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for always being there for me, supporting me, and loving me. You have always been there for me when I needed you. You are my rock and will always be my best friend. I have never had a best friend like you and I hope I never lose you because you are the reason I am where I am  today.
You have always put us girls first and always made sure we were taken care of and I deeply appreciate that. No words can express how thankful for you I am.
You may not think this, but you are the reason I'm getting through high school, and life. You have always been at my sporting events supporting me and my sisters through the games. I hope to grow up just like you, amazing, beautiful, caring, and loving, just like you.
You are such a hardworking woman and you do everything that you can to help support us. When I decided to come out of my shell and run for royalty, you were my biggest supporter, you helped me get through the process, and you were always by my side. When I didn’t make it you were my shoulder to cry on, you supported me, you were there for me. You have taught me so much in life, whether it was teaching me how to drive or teaching me how to live life. You are my role model and I look up to you for so many reasons. My life would be hard without a woman like you and I’m thankful you are here with me to get through it all.
Although times may be tough, I am so lucky to have you in my life with me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for everything mom, I love you to the moon and back.
Bailey Key

Tabitha Key was named Mother of the Year at the Prairie League's Mother-Daughter Tea earlier this month.




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