To the Library and Beyond
This week we would like to thank volunteers Jim Rehder, Molly Terhaar, Kari Holman and Bob  Daley for all their help putting the Library straight.  We’ll get it finished soon.  Please note:  Volunteer opportunities are no longer available on Wednesdays.  "Service is what life is all about."
In June the volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library will be thinking about the policies used in managing Library resources.  June is National Oceans Month “to [promote respect for] ‘the lungs of the earth,’” because “the majority of the Earth’s oxygen [. . .] comes from the ocean.”  Live and learn. 
Sunday, June 9 is National Children’s Day.  June 10 is National Ball Point Pen Day.  June 11 is Making Life Beautiful Day to celebrate everyone who makes life beautiful by creating great friendships or helping each other achieve success; these beautiful people affect everyone around them and the ripple effect spreads widely.  June 12 is National Simplicity Day which sounds good to me; it is also Paper Bag Day so we have a choice.  June 13 is National Random Acts of Light Day; we can also celebrate Cupcake Lovers.  June 14 is Flag Day to honor the Stars and Stripes of our United States of America.  June 15 is National Smile Power Day and is also a good day for Nature Photography. 
In 2021 Prairie Community Library loaned 2,479 Items; in 2020 librarians added 518 Items to the Library collection. 
The volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library aspire to base any changes we make on the statistical data we record.  We aspire to align all services to our mission of serving the community and making a definitive difference in the lives of our fellow citizens.   
Volunteers are always welcome and encouraged to send your volunteer message to “Volunteering provides a sense of purpose and helps improve emotional stability.”