Helicopter services aid in rescue
On June 7, 2024, at 8:42 AM, Idaho County Dispatch received a 911 call from a cell phone. The connection was bad, but the dispatcher determined someone had fallen. Deputies were dispatched to the area where the call plotted from, which was at the end of Market Road at Canyon Road.
Deputies searched the area, and met with the caller’s wife, who was able to show them to her husband’s last known location. The man, a 62-year-old from Grangeville, had been hiking along the canyon looking for cows, and had slipped and fallen down the steep canyon. He had crawled up to where he had minimal cell service and called for help.
Syringa Ambulance, Grangeville Rural Fire Department, Grangeville Mountain Rescue, Idaho Fish and Game, Life Flight and Two Bear Air all responded to assist in getting the man up the canyon and to medical attention.
Although we never wish anyone harm, we are extremely grateful we live in a community with such talented volunteers who are always willing to devote their time to helping their fellow man.
And we are truly thankful for our Idaho County Deputies, the Grangeville Rural Fire Department, Syringa Ambulance, Grangeville Mountain Rescue, Idaho Fish and Game, Life Flight, and Two Bear Air for all their time and effort.

Two Bear Air's helicopter.

LifeFlight helicopter.