To the Library and Beyond
“Moving right along” the “Regulars” say grateful thanks to Bob Daley who is reassembling built-in shelves and the librarian office-surround with help from Chris Maestas.  Greg and Lydia Deiss, Jonna Holthaus, Mary Lorentz, and Molly Terhaar continue helping to shelve books.  We find ourselves laboring with our final task of improving the arrangement of general nonfiction books and this volunteer has learned from those heavy tomes that she has more dedication in her heart than strength in her wrists!  “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” 
In the month of June we observe Rainbow Books & Pride to recognize and respect the creation of human diversity, because variety is the achievement of success and the spice of life.   
Sunday, the 16th is Father's Day, and let’s express our gratitude to our fathers for all we owe them.  The best thing to celebrate on Monday, the 17th is National Eat Your Vegetables Day so we’ll be healthy.  Tuesday, the 18th is Autistic Pride Day because everyone is different and we should unite in our pride in that.  Wednesday, the 19th is Juneteenth, a day to commemorate the ending of slavery in the United States.  Thursday, the 20th is the 1st Day Of Summer with Ole Sol rising about 4:54 AM and setting about 8:40 PM daylight savings time.  Friday, the 21st we celebrate Midsummer and the summer solstice.  Saturday, the 22nd is World Rainforest Day and “B Kinder Day,” so let’s be kinder to our rainforests so they can help keep our planet alive. 
In 2019 Prairie Community Library served 2,349 patrons and other friends.  In 2023 there were 533 attendees at Story Hours during the first nine months. 
The volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library hold meetings nearly every month to ensure we are keeping each other informed about what is happening and how we should proceed with opportunities and prospects.  All interested parties are heartily invited to attend those meetings and contribute your talents to our on-going efforts. 
You can volunteer by sending your message to because “volunteering brings fun into our lives and helps us learn [new things].”