Crop tour set for June 26
The Prairie Area Crop and Conservation Tour hosted by University of Idaho Extension and Lewis Soil Conservation District will be held on Wednesday, June 26th, starting at  8 a.m. at the Nezperce Legion Hall.
All farmers and ranchers, agri-support personnel, and other interested persons are welcome to attend the hosted breakfast and tour to learn about prairie area agriculture and conservation.
The tour will begin at the Nezperce Legion Hall. Participants will board a tour bus, visit area fields to learn about winter peas, winter wheat, Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus, Ascohyta blight, herbicide and fungicide applications, and various conservation practices on the Camas Prairie. Speakers will include University of Idaho personnel, Lewis Soil Conservation District personnel, local farmers, and representatives from Precision Bio and Infinity Agri-Service. The tour will conclude by 12:00 p.m.
The program is free to attend thanks to our many sponsors. However, we ask that participants pre-register by June 21st by calling the Lewis County Extension Office at 208-937-2311 or emailing
Persons with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodations need to contact the Lewis County Extension Office by Monday, June 24th at 208-937-2311.















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