More 52-Pickup winners
The Knights of Columbus drew the next 12 winners of the 2023 52-Pickup drawing at their May and June meetings.
The 6 winners drawn at the May 14 meeting were:
Week 37-Doug Schumacher, $50.
Week 38-Hal & Nancy Uptmor, $50.
Week 39-Joanne Sonnen, $50.
Week 40-Roger Uptmor, $50.
Week 41-Anthony Karel, $50.
Week 42-Greg Sonnen, $200.
6 more winners were drawn at the June 11 meeting. They were:
Week 43-Colin Crea, $50.
Week 44-Adam Uhlenkott, $50.
Week 45-Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie Steinke, $50.
Week 46-Gregory Remacle, $50.
Week 47-Don Hoene, $50.
Week 48-Fr. Paul Wander, $200.
The final 5 drawings for the 2023 tickets will be held at the July 9 meeting. Tickets are also available for the  2024 52-Pickup drawings. Those drawings will start at the November 13 KC meeting.