To the Library and Beyond
On Tuesday 11 June - Colleen Wilson, Marlene Duclos, Kari Holman, Jim Rehder and Molly Terhaar and her children put the finishing touches on the general nonfiction book section of Prairie Community Library.  “Volunteering is at the very core of being human.”  Librarians will be busy for a while sorting the “misfit” items found while re-shelving books.  On Tuesday 18 June, the Board of Directors met to make more decisions.
Colleen Wilson has all the Audio CDs shelved to celebrate Audiobook Appreciation Month.  Library volunteers will spend the last week of June considering policies to manage Library materials.
Sunday 23 June is National Hydration Day because hydration is important for physical health; and remember that by the time we feel thirsty, we are already dehydrated.  Monday 24 June is National Upcycling Day, encouraging us to reuse discarded materials to create products of greater value.  Tuesday 25 June is National Hire A Veteran Day.  Wednesday 26 June is National Chocolate Pudding Day.  Thursday 27 June is Industrial Workers of the World Day.  Friday 28 June is National Paul Bunyan Day, the perfect time to retell all the Paul Bunyan tales.  As the last Saturday in June, the 29th is Great American Picnic Day.
In 2019 Prairie Community Library loaned 2,228 items; in 2022 Story Hour was attended by 665 people.
The volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library aspire to encourage everyone to envision a better future in all things.
You can enjoy serving our communities by volunteering with the Library.  Send your volunteer message to Volunteering can provide job prospects and helps us meet and make new friends.