Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

To the Editor
Should Idaho’s National Guard Go to Ukraine?
A maxim of a free land is: no person is born to rule over another without their consent.  The last time Congress declared war was 1942.  The consent of the people was given by elected representatives and senators.  Yet since 1942, the U.S. has engaged in conflicts, Vietnam War, Korean War, Gulf Wars, Afghanistan and others without consent in the form of a declaration of war.  Last week Mr. Biden signed a bilateral agreement between the U.S. and Ukraine which further entangles the U.S. in potential war.  Given the last 80 years of history, another military conflict could repeat itself - without the consent of the House and Senate.  I don’t know what natural resources or power that the ‘behind the scenes’ management of Mr. Biden are after, but I say if this entanglement escalates to a military conflict, the men and women of Idaho’s national guard stay home unless they have the consent, a Declaration of War by the House and Senate.  If Mr. Biden wants to participate, he and his cronies can pack their bags and participate in the conflict themselves. 
Scott Perrin




















Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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