To the Library and Beyond
The Library Board met on June 18 and Directors agreed to open the Library for business on Tuesday 2 July.  Hours will be 10 AM till 5 PM.  Please drop by the Library and say hello.  We look forward to seeing all our friends again! 
During July Prairie Community Library volunteers want to ensure that all our volunteers are happy and trouble-free.  “Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action.”  In July we observe Disability Pride Month” to “celebrate [the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of] persons with disabilities.” 
Sunday 30 June is “World Social Media Day”; it is also International Asteroid Day to “raise public awareness [of] asteroid impact hazard” on the “anniversary of the Tunguska impact over Siberia [. . .] on 30 June 1908.”  Monday 1 July is “International Joke Day” so wherever we are in the world we could take this opportunity to appreciate a joke.  Tuesday 2 July is “Made In The USA Day,” reminding us that there are many things of unmatched quality made in our local communities.  On Wednesday 3 July perhaps we could boycott all plastic bags because it is “International Plastic Bag-Free Day.”  Thursday 4 July is U.S. Independence Day and the best description for this day can be found alive and well in Greencreek, Idaho.  On Friday 5 July let’s observe “Mechanical Pencil Day” unless you prefer to celebrate being a Workaholic.  Saturday 6 July is World Kiss Day and rather than kissing everyone in the world, let’s be sure to kiss our special someone; but if you simply cannot, you could still celebrate National Fried Chicken Day. 
In 2018 Prairie Community Library loaned 2,198 items; in 2021 Story Hour hosted 719 attendees. 
The volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library are committed to serving the residents of our communities and meeting all your literary needs to the best of our abilities. 
To celebrate our Nation’s Independence Day we want to thank you for your many thoughtful donations that have allowed Prairie Community Library to continue operation as an independent entity.  We assure you that your donations are greatly appreciated.  Volunteering expands our resumes and improves our confidence.”