Prairie Elementary end of school award winners

 Brynlie Lockett is the newest member of the 100 Book Club. Photo by Megan Rambo

Citizenship awards: Top row L to R: Mya Meyers, Hayden Ratcliff, Trenton Warden, Gloria Terhaar, Kinzie Coppernoll, Kyndal Coppernoll, Madison Ross and Brody Raymond. Bottom row L to R: Oly Schacher, Skylar Scheffler, Elise Hasenoehrl, Rebecca Riener, Isabell Miller and Blakely Forsmann. Photo by Megan Rambo.

Top Readers for Kindergarten L to R: Kolt Holthaus, Claire Turnbull, Trigger Riener and Javi Hernandez. Photo by Megan Rambo.

R3 Lunch with the Principal certificate winners L to R: Daycee Williams, Rebecca Riener, Kason Forsmann, William Holman, Everett Schacher, Eli Duman, and Mesa Graning. Photo by Megan Rambo.  

Perfect Attendance: Grace vanHouten, Oly Schacher, Paige Quintal, David Quintal, Jacob Holcomb, and Beau Blake. Photo by Megan Rambo.  

Student Council members for the 2023-24 school year L to R: Mathias Kaschmitter (president), Liam Geis (secretary) Nicole Gehring (vice president), Kennedy Shears (5th grade rep) and Dawson Stewart (5th grade rep). Photo by Megan Rambo.  

Talent Show winners at Prairie Elementary School during the last day of school assembly are from  L to R: Mesa Graning (tied 3rd), Moses Musick (tied 3rd), Cole Uhlenkott, Corbyn Tacke, Tristan Ortiz, Ben Schwartz, Bowen Bennett (2nd), David Quintal and Eli Duman (1st). Photo by Megan Rambo.

Top artists for Mr. Chapman's classes. Top row L to R: Xena Feldman, Zita Schmidt, Tycee Jean Bledsoe, Eli Duman, Lydia Francis, Hailey Frei, Lily Lockett.Bottom row L to R: Victoria Hills, Emeree Lustig, Anthony Nicholas, Matt Nuxoll, Rylynn VonBargen, Aurelia Stubbers, Madison Uhlenkott and Ava Nuxoll. Photo by Megan Rambo.
Top AR winners: Top row L to R: Jayden Watson, Branch Bennett, Zita Schmidt, Kenyon Hankerson, Cameron McLeod, Moses Musick, Madalynn VonBargen, Clara Lustig, David Quintal, Jaxson Ainsworth and Evelyn Terhaar. Middle row L to R: Orrin Lustig, Lillia Kaschmitter, Faye Kennedy, Julia Schlader, Ava Nuxoll, Malia Weber, Clareese Duclos, Lincoln Jones, Micah Holthaus and Ryatt Paul. Front row L to R: Kade Lockart and Kallen Lockart. Photo by Megan Rambo.

Top math and most improved math performers/ top row L to R: Sadie Mizer, Tillman Uhlenkott, Tyden Wemhoff, Ruby Cash, Kennedy Shears, Dawson Stewart, Lydia Francis, Koyle Jones, Jazmyn Cox, Clara Lustig, Olivia Bigsby. Middle row L to R: Maddox Behler, Moses Uhlenkott, Blakelynn Holthaus, Matt Nuxoll, Lincoln Jones, Hudson Verdino, Ava Klapprich, Bennet Riener, Mason Westhoff, Brynlee Johnson, Wyatt Schumacher, Madison Uhlenkott and Sawyer Stewart. Front row L to R: Brynlie Lockett, Bridger Schmidt, Claire Turnbull and Makennah Morelock. Photo by Megan Rambo.

Top PE awards top row L to R: Rowan Elven, Liam Geis, Troy Uhlenkott, Kohen Forsmann, Julia Schlader and Axel Forsmann. Bottom row L to R: Swayze Forsmann, Daycee Williams, Maddox Behler, Holley Cochran, Bennet Riener, Kruz Forsmann, Cooper Lockett and Whitney Martin. Photo by Megan Rambo.

Our two awesome Elementary School retirees! Marlene Forsmann (39 years) and Allason Zenner (40 years). Photo by Megan Rambo.






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