Top animals at the sale Kane McIntire of Cottonwood had a very good fair this year as he had the grand champion quality goat, was grand champion senior goat showman, grand champion overall goat showman and round robin grand champion showman. He is shown with Clark and Sara Tacke and family of New Century Farms, who were the buyer of his grand champion goat. Oniece Edmonds of Kamiah had the reserve champion quality goat. She is shown with buyer Brian Lorentz of Snap-On Tools. Tristan Uhlorn of Cottonwood was the reserve champion intermediate goat showman. Theodore Schmidt of Cottonwood was the reserve champion junior goat showman. Tate Raymond of Cottonwood had the grand champion quality sheep as a first year animal project. He is show with his grandfather Rusty Lorentz who represented Jacobs Lumber, the buyer of his sheep. Audrey Tucker of Riggins had the reserve champion quality sheep. She was also Grand champion senior and overall reserve champion sheep showman. Shyanne Nourse of Riggins was the grand champion intermediate and overall grand champion sheep showman. Elsie Nourse of Riggins was the grand champion junior sheep showman. Ella McLeod of Grangeville was the reserve champion senior sheep showman. Wyatt Nourse of Riggins was the reserve champion intermediate sheep showman. Evelyn Terhaar of Greencreek was the reserve champion junior sheep showman. Alexxis Holthaus of Cottonwood had the grand champion quality hog. She is shown with Duane Akkerman of Rocky Mountain HVAC who was the purchaser of her hog. Peyton Hanson had the reserve champion quality hog and was also grand champion intermediate showman and reserve champion overall showman. She is shown with buyers from Cloningers. Hailey Hanson of Ferdinand was the grand champion senior showman and grand champion overall hog showman. She and her sister Peyton, above, had a rare sibling achievement of grand and reserve champion showmen. Cohen Hagen of Grangeville was grand champion junior showman for hogs. Rachel Ball of Kamiah was reserve champion senior showman for hogs. Nicole Gehring of Cottonwood was reserve champion intermediate showman for hogs. Kiley Funderburg of Clearwater was the reserve champion junior showman for hogs. Rebecca Seubert of Cottonwood had the grand champion quality steer and was also grand champion senior showman and grand champion overall showman for market beef. She is show with representatives of Cloningers Marketplace who purchased here grand champion steer. Emma Murdock of Grangeville had the reserve champion quailty steer. She is shown with buyers Keith and Jenna Holcomb of Holcomb Steel Buildings and Cran Service. Sierra Oliver, shown with her steer, was the reserve champion round robin showman. Maggie Nuxoll of Cottonwood was the reserve champion senior and reserve champion overall showman for beef. Declan Schwartz of Ferdinand was the grand champion intermediate showmn for beef. Kira Stowers of White Bird was the grand champion junior showman for beef. Cole Uhlenkott was reserve champion intermediate showman for beef. Brendan Murdock of Grangeville was reserve champion junior showman for beef.