to sponsor various support groups
St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics will host a variety of support groups beginning this January. Cancer, Fybromyalgia, Parkinson’s Disease and an Alateen program are slated for the coming year. All meetings are open to the public and will be held in the hospital’s downstairs conference room, 701 Lewiston St., Cottonwood. “Support groups are designed to meet the needs of its members. Sometimes the groups function as a source for information, sometimes a source for emotional support and, most often, a combination The members, themselves, make those decisions and a facilitator makes sure things run smoothly,” said Sr. Barbara Jean Glodowski, SMHC Mission Integration Director. “Support groups can include both family members and individuals. Our facilitators are trained and donate their time as volunteers.” The Cancer Support Group will have its first organizational meeting on Tuesday, January 13 at 7:00 p.m. The group will meet every second Tuesday. For further information please contact facilitator, Mary Beth Meyers, SMHC, 962-3251. The Fibromyalgia Support group will hold its first meeting on Thursday, January 29 at 7:00 p.m. Although the first meeting is on the fifth Thursday of the month, their regularly scheduled meetings will be held every fourth Thursday. If you have any questions please contact facilitator, Sr. Barbara Jean Glodowski, SMHC, 962-3251. The Parkinson’s Disease Support Group will continue to meet every fourth Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. New members are welcome to join. Eleanor Hinkleman will continue to facilitate. The Alateen Support Group for teens interested in learning more about substance abuse and its effects will meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. The dates will be announced soon. Michelle Crea and Lydia Dies will facilitate the group. For more information contact Crea, SMHC, 962-3251. “We encourage anyone impacted by any of these conditions to visit one of the support group meetings to see if it may fill a need,” said Sr. Barbara Jean. “If anyone has questions or concerns they are more than welcome to contact me.” Participants can either enter through the front door of the hospital, 701 Lewiston St. and follow the signs or they can park behind the hospital and enter the conference room directly. |