High School awards given
Prairie High School held their year-end awards assembly last Wednesday, June 2 with numerous awards handed out.
Student Council awards went to John Gehring, president; Lacey Sonnen, vice-president; Whitney Schaeffer, secretary/treasurer and Maureen Tacke and Lacey Wargi, spirit leaders.
The “Prize” which is voted on by the entire student body, went to Whitney Schaeffer.
In Band awards Maureen Tacke won the John Phillip Sousa award while Lacey Sonnen and Sam Forsmann earned director awards. Dakota Klinkefus was named outstanding underclassman. 4-year Senior awards went to Tacke, Brent Uhlorn, Angela Schumacher and Lacey Sonnen. Honorable Mention went to seniors Shane Doyle and Jacob Nuxoll.
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Education went to Matt Baerlocher, Shane Doyle, Whitney Schaeffer, Kari Schumacher and Maureen Tacke.
Presidential Awards for Educational Achievement went to Mindy Anderson, Silvia Bennett, Tyler Crane, Jessica Enneking, Kayla Holthaus, Brent Uhlorn and Karel Wassmuth.
The United States Marine Corps presented several awards: Distinguished Athlete Award-Matt Baerlocher and Maureen Tacke. Scholastic Excellence Award-Shane Doyle and Whitney Schaeffer. Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence-Jacob Nuxoll and Angela Schumacher.
United States Army Scholar Athlete Awards went to Matt Baerlocher and Maureen Tacke.
United States Air Force Math & Science Awards went to Kelby Wilson and Mindy Anderson.
The Presidential Spirit of Community Award went to Dani Terhaar.
A 4-yr. French Award went to Angela Schumacher.
The Advanced Science Award went to Mindy Anderson.
King and Queen of Sports were Tyler Crane and Maureen Tacke.
NASSP Wendy’s High School Heisman Award went to Maureen Tacke.
Athletes of the Year were Shane Doyle and Kayla Holthaus.
Forever Free Drug Free Awards were to Jacob Nuxoll, $700; Stacey Schnider, $300; Dani Terhaar, $200 and Cassi Chandler, $100.
(Pictures were unavailable this week of many of the winners but will be in next week's update.)

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