Raspberry Festival Plans are underway
The Historical Museum at St. Gertrude in Cottonwood, ID, is preparing for its 12th Raspberry Festival on August 1, 2004. The Raspberry Festival is a family-focused, fun-filled day with a variety of activities and events for young and old.
The day draws over 1,500 participants and features several mini-events including a 10k/5k fun run, car show, quilt show, arts and crafts festival, cultural demonstrations, live music, cash raffle, food, and tours of the monastery and museum. The day starts with breakfast from 8:00 - 10:00 am for the public, early bird attendees, fun run participants, craft vendors and volunteers. Generous servings of raspberry shortcake with whipped cream and barbequed beef sandwiches are the featured foods after breakfast.
Participants interested in the 10K Raspberry Run and 5K Shortcake Walk should call Shirley Gehring at (208) 962-3942. Apply online at http://www.signmeup.com/27411. Applications are accepted up to the day of the race.
Show 'n Shine participants are asked to contact Loretta Riener at (208) 962-5938.
There are still spaces available for the Arts & Crafts Fair and Quilt Show, so if you are a crafter, quilter or artisan, please contact Darla Anglen-Whitley at (208) 962-5061 (arts and crafts) or LaDawn Kidd at (208) 962-2387 (quilts) to get your applications.
The Raspberry Festival grew out of a need for increased public visibility and funding for the Museum. Now in its 73rd year of operation, the Historical Museum at St. Gertrude is one of the oldest continuously operated museums in the Pacific Northwest. Founded by Sr. Alfreda Elsensohn and a collection of minerals from the US National Museum (now The Smithsonian), the museum's collection has developed into a unique collection pertaining to the natural and cultural history of North Central Idaho. With over 70,000 artifacts in its collection, the museum collects and preserves the rich heritage of the area through the artifacts and their stories.
If you are interested in volunteering or participating in this event, please contact the museum at (208) 962-7123 or email museum@velocitus.net. Find out more about the museum at www.HistoricalMuseumAtStGertrude.com.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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