Reading Program is a success
The Summer Reading Program at the Prairie Community Library ended with the reading of tall tales and stories of the old west. While donning their coon skin caps, the participants then raced through an obstacle course, trying to better their time with each run. At the end of the day, prizes were awarded, as follows: For time spent reading in the Pre-K group, first place went to Lindsey Goeckner and second place to Kyle Tillinghast; in the 1st-2nd grade group, first place went to Lance Goeckner, and second place was a tie between Kevin Tillinghast and Katarina Tillinghast; in the 3rd-4th grade group, first place went to Dakota Wilson, second place to Katherine Nida, and third place to Drew Cochran. Perfect attendance winners were Dakota Wilson, Gregory Hattrup, Drew Cochran, Katherine Nida and Lindsey Goeckner. The only two who finished all 16 activities on their punchcards were Drew Cochran and Katherine Nida. Leah Holthaus won the 9,000 kernels of popcorn with her guess of 9,999; and Bridget Beckman won the 105 pieces of candy corn with her guess of 66. In the Bear Coloring Contest, the winners were: Aurelia Bruno for her Scary Bear; Clark Bruno for his Rock Star Bear; Leah Holthaus for her Pioneer Bear; Katherine Nida-1st place, Katarina Tillinghast-2nd place and Adrianne Nuxoll-3rd place, for their Best-Dressed Bears; Drew Cochran-1st place, Nathan Beckman-2nd place and Lance Goeckner-3rd place, for their Cowboy Bears; and Dakota Wilson-1st place, Autumn Lawler-2nd place and Mitchel Nuxoll-3rd place, for their Silly Bears. Over 50 children signed up for the program, and volunteer readers this year were: Calista Karel, Diana Holubetz, Cheri Lawler, LaDawn Kidd, Dani Cochran, Sheila Bruno, Cindy Wilson, Maureen Munger, Cody Tillinghast and Kayla Johnson. |