board approves bus routes
Bus routes were approved for the upcoming school year at the August meeting of the school board held Monday, August 16. The bus routes appear elsewhere in this week’s Chronicle. Regarding the bus routes there was a request from Ryan Uhlenkott. He lives just outside the district boundary and the nearest bus stop is over 2 miles away. He’d like to send his child to Prairie and wondered if something could be worked out for a closer pickup. Uhlenkott and superintendent Stan Kress were directed to work something out. The high school and middle school class schedules were presented to the board and were approved. While presenting the high school schedule, Mike Bundy also presented a proposal from the teachers for dealing with the increasing problem of students missing assignments. It would involve the student calling their parent to notify them that they have missing work and would be serving a detention. There are provisions for second and third missing assignments. The board asked that there be some leeway given on the first missing assignment. Bundy said the idea behind this was to help the students take care of the missing assignments right away and get their parents involved before things start to snowball. In the past parents wouldn’t learn of these problems until the mid-quarter or end of quarter progress reports. Bundy also reported that the district website is up and running. Currently the high school information is online with middle and elementary school information to be added. The goal is to include assignment information for classes as well as schedules of events and contact information for teachers and staff. The website address is Angie Lynn has turned in her resignation as art teacher and Sanessa Lundbergh, currently of Sitka, Alaska, was recommended for hire as her replacement. Kress said he has received several glowing recommendations for her. She should be in town later this week. Also recommended for hire was Lynne Gehring (Mrs. Bruce) as the elementary school janitor. Debbie Schmidt was approved as cheerleader adviser. Steve Wilson will be the junior high football coach with Travis Mader as assistant. The other middle school coaching positions will be the same as last year. The other fall sports high school positions were approved at the July meeting. Ryan Osterbuhr was approved for early graduation. He made a request last spring and was directed to complete the summer work necessary and come back. Counselor Lydia Deiss said he has made the necessary progress and will be taking the final exams for the English class requirement this week. In updating the summer projects it was reported that the windows are going in this week at the Middle School and should be finished this week. The heating system upgrade ran into a problem as the engineer developing the specifications ran into personal problems. Kress said he hopes to get back on track there and the heating system work will likely be done during one of the school breaks. The numerous minor projects are all nearing completion. They now have the baseball field and middle school playground plumbed for watering from the new well. A couple of policies were approved per state requirements. Those policies were for ISIMS and for safety busing. Brit Groom was officially sworn in to his second term as school board trustee. He wasn’t able to attend last month’s meeting. The next meeting of the board is set for Monday, September 20 at 7 p.m. 2004-2005 BUS ROUTES Bus # 008 7:00 a.m. Mike Nau, Rick Dagleish, Lonnie Schaeffer, Jeff Jackson, Scott Schaeffer, Mike Duclos, Ferdinand Town Children, Scott Kennedy, Ken Ross. FERDINAND – Michele Lindgren
COTTONWOOD – Sharon Johnson
GREENCREEK – Jerry Schumacher
COTTONWOOD – Becky Madden
KEUTERVILLE – Rick Johnson
KEUTERVILLE – Joe Forsmann
All out of district students and Summit Academy students will be picked up at nearest bus route stop. |