sponsor press conference
St Mary’s and Clearwater Valley Hospital and Clinics sponsored a press conference in Lewiston last Monday to raise public awareness about the CHIP B, Childrens Health Insurance Program. They partnered with the Carpenter’s Union who have underwritten radio advertising and press conferences across the state promoting the September 1-14 CHIP B ‘Back to School’ open enrollment period. “It is too far for KLEW to drive for a press conference in Cottonwood or Orofino, so we took the news to them,” said Jeanette Gorman, CVHC/SMHC Community Relations Coordinator. The press conference was held at the Community Action Partnership ‘Care for Kids’ Center. Karen Kessler, CAP Outreach Coordinator, was one of the speakers at the press conference which also featured an Orofino mom, Jennifer Dunaway, who successfully applied during the July CHIP B enrollment period. The press conference was part of a statewide program to encourage eligible parents to apply for the insurance program that would cover hospital and doctor visits, immunizations, prescriptions, vision services and other medical situations. According to Dunaway, the application form was very simple and did not require proof of income or assets. “You have to report your earnings and assets honestly, but you don’t have to rummage through records and try to produce documentation,” said the mother of two. The income guidelines allow a family of four to earn approximately $35,000 to qualify. “If you qualify for the free and reduced lunch program you probably qualify for the CHIP program,” said Gorman. “Both hospitals are working with the school districts in the areas we serve to send home application forms and a flyer with every student so parents have the opportunity to see if they qualify and have the application form.” Gorman wants to remind parents to either bring in the forms to the hospital, any of their ten medical or three physical therapy clinic, any Community Action Partnership office and they’ll mail them in during the Sept 1-14 enrollment period. “Parents who mail in the forms on their own should definitely make sure they’re postmarked only during that enrollment time, otherwise they will not be reviewed.” For more information or an application form call the hospitals or clinics, visit any Community Action Partnership Office, county social service office or call the State of Idaho Careline, 2-1-1. |