receive Governor's Innovative Grants
Two of Prairie Elementary School's teachers were recently awarded Governor's Innovative Grants for $500 each. Cindy Schumacher, 1st Grade Teacher, received her grant for "Literacy Bags ~ School to Home Connection". Mrs. Schumacher is making theme bags to coincide with the State Standards, First Grade Curriculum, and special interest themes. The bags will include books, puppets, puzzles, etc. Each bag is made from fabric that matches the theme of the books. The students will be able to check out these literacy bags and take them home to share with their families. Kim Schumacher, 4th Grade Teacher, received her grant for integrating Polly Bemis and Chinese culture to her Idaho History Mining unit. The kids will create replicas of rice bowls and "dig deeper" into the Chinese culture that was present in our area. Both teachers are thrilled to received these awards and look forward to bringing a little extra to their classrooms. |