Karel named to Honors Choir
Select music students from District 2 schools will be perfoming in the annual Honor Choir and  Honor Band Concert Saturday, November 13th at the Lewiston High School Auditorium. Calista Karel.
Calista Karel will be representing Prairie in the Choir. Students were nominated by their directors to perform in this event. Students will be rehearsing with guest conductors several nights this week and presenting their concert on Saturday evening, November 13th at the Lewiston High School Auditorium.  
The guest conductor for the band is Fred Dole, Music Director at Clarkston High School, and for the Choir - Chris Thompson, Vocal Music Director at the University of Idaho.  Concert time is at 7:00 p.m. and admission prices are as follows:  $4 - adults, $2 - students (elem-college), $2 - seniors, children 6 and under are free.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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