Riding Club gives out awards
On Sunday, December 5th, Cottonwood Riding Club members met at the Keuterville Hall at 5 p.m. to hold their annual Christmas Party.
After a wonderful meal, the club announced 2004's All-Around Winners from the play days that were held monthly April through September, ages 7-9 Boy/Girl, through 25 & Over Women/Men. 
The 6 and under winners.
In the age group 6 & Under, six riders were awarded special awards. The requirements were that they had to ride in 4 of the six play days. They were given plaques with a picture of them on their horse. Those riders are: Kylie Tidwell and Kodie Tidwell-daughters of Tad and Bobbi Tidwell; Will and Joel Wimer-sons of Marv and Molly Wimer; Terran Vanator, son of Jesse and Karrie Vanator. Logan Mozingo of Grangeville was unable to attend the party, but was also awarded an award.
All-Around winners
The All-Around Winners of Cottonwood Riding Club jackets were then announced for the other age groups. Those winners are: 7-9: Kelsey Tidwell; 10-12: Chaelena Wimer; 13-15: Bobi Jo Ousnamer; 16-24: Mandi Tidwell; 25 & Over Women: Bobbi Jo Tidwell; 25 & Over Men: Tad Tidwell. All-Around Winners: Front left to right: Chaelena Wimer and Kelsey Tidwell; Back left to right: Bobi Jo Ousnamer, Mandi Tidwell, Bobbi Tidwell and Tad Tidwell.
Lloyd Campbell Memorial Award winner Kelsey Tidwell.
The Lloyd Campbell Memorial Trophy was then awarded to the rider who amassed the most points throughout the year of all the different riders. That rider for 2004 was Kelsey Tidwell, beating her father Tad by 3 points. 
Laurie Nuxoll Memorial Award winner Bobi Jo Ousnamer.
Next on the agenda was announcing the Laurie Nuxoll Memorial Trophy Winner. This trophy is awarded to that rider from the Cottonwood Riding Club that amassed the most points during the club's annual O-MOK-See that is held each year in September. The winner for 2004 is Bobi Jo Ousnamer. 
Joe Schaeffer.
We then asked Joe Schaeffer to come to the front of the room. Morris Arnzen, President of the riding club, then presented to him a Cottonwood Riding Club jacket and two gift certificates from the Country Haus restaurant for dinner from the Cottonwood Riding Club and the Cotttonwood Saddliers and Livestock 4-H club for all the hard work that he has done for the club. 
The Special award winners were then announced. These special awards are given to riders of the monthly play days who have ridden in at least 4 of the 6 play days. They are nominated by club members, who then write up qualifying statements for the Special Award Committee to take under advisement. The Special Awards are: Sportsmanship, Most Improved, and Most Inspirational. Sweatshirts with the Cottonwood Riding Club logo and their names were presented to these winners. 
Sportsmanship award winners.
The Sportsmanship award winners for 2004 are: 7-9 Winner: Jerob Moon, 10-12 Winner: Jack George; 13-15 Winner: Jacob Wimer; 16-18 Winner: Amber Geis.  Pictured Left to Right: Jack George, Jerob Moon, Jacob Wimer and Amber Geis.
Most Improved winners
The Most Improved Winners were then announced: 7-9 Winner: Jacey Langston; 10-12 Winner: Hilaree VanderPas; 13-15 Winner: Alana Kudebeh; 16-18 Winner: Sarah Murt. Pictured  Left to right: Jacey Langston, Hillaree Vander Pas, Alana Kudebeh. Not Present: Sarah Murt.
Most Inspirational winners
The Most Inspirational Award Winners were then announced: Those winners are: 7 - 9: Hope Vanator, 10 - 12: Kara Guyer; 13-15: Tiffany Schaeffer; 16 - 18: Briana Ousnamer. Pictured  Left to right: Hope Vanator, Kara Guyer, Tiffany Schaeffer, and Briana Ousnamer. 
2004 CRC Royalty Diana Wadleigh and Kayla Uhlenkott.
The Cottonwood Riding Club 2004 Royalty were then awarded trophies for their year's reign. They are Princess Diana Wadleigh, Queen Kayla Uhlenkott. 
2005 Royalty
At this time, four nervous young ladies came to the front of the room. They were the candidates for 2005 royalty, and they had competed for the title at the riding club's annual O-MOK-See in September. There, they were judged on personality, horsemanship and overall riding ability. Morris Arnzen then announced the winners. Our queen for 2005 will be Mandi Geis, 1st Princess will be Jennifer Enneking, and our two other princesses will be Hilaree Vander Pas and Brandee Seubert. Pictured Left to right: 2005 Queen: Mandi Geis, 1st Princess: Jennifer Enneking, Princess Brandee Seubert, Princess Hilaree Vander Pas. 
The Prairie High School rodeo team was then introduced, along with Judy Uhlorn, who had made a quilt for the rodeo club to raffle off as a fund raiser. The raffle tickets were tossed, and the winner of the beautiful quilt was Pat Cash from Grangeville. Congratulations, Pat!!!
We then had a break in the festivities with the arrival of Santa Claus! He came and asked each member present whether they had been good throughout the year, and then presented each with a present. The piñatas were then broken, with enough candy for all the youngsters participating for each to take home a goodie bag full. The Christmas party was deemed a great success.
Anyone interested in joining the Cottonwood Riding Club can contact Marie Lerandeau at 208-962-3166 for enrollments. Anyone interested  must have a signed enrollment form filed with the secretary before any riding can be done in the arena. Yearly dues are $20.00 for family, and single membership is $10.00 for individual members. Dues must be paid before riding in the arena for any reason.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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