from City Hall
As the year draws to a close, I would like to make a few comments about the year just past and a few hopes for the New Year. My first year back in the Mayor seat has been most gratifying. Thankfully, we have solved our water problems and continue to work on the on-going maintenance problems with all of our City services. We are blessed to have a proactive Council instead of reactive and strive to meet problems head on and solve them. We have made great strides this year in the Public Works Dept. and we greatly appreciate all of the hard work from our crews there to keep our City in good repair. I know our crews are encouraged by and appreciate all the words of thanks and praise that come to the shop and City Hall. We are very proud of them. Our public buildings, parks and properties are continually improving through a lot of hard work and a little more attention to detail. With ample water and a comprehensive spraying program, look for our recreational areas to be green and weed free and the weeds under control on public property. We will lead the way on beautification and noxious weed control. It takes time and a positive attitude to make this a reality. Our water department has had a few very rough years but it looks like we have a clean, plentiful and dependable supply of water for years to come. Through the reserve fund and the efforts of the Public works crew, we will continue to upgrade our water distribution system, which is currently the most productive and leak free that it has ever been. Our streets and sidewalk systems are under an ambitious plan for repair, replacement and upgrading. Within 10 years and God willing we should be virtually free of graveled streets and have a sidewalk system that the young, old and handicapped can use and enjoy with the safety and convenience that should be afforded to all pedestrians. Again, it will take time to accomplish these things while working within our budget. Our Fire Department is second to none in our area. Through the hard work and dedication of these volunteers, we have the best trained and best-equipped firefighters, which have brought us the best protection and lowest insurance rates in the region. We are very proud of our Firefighters and thank you for your determination to be the best. Our sewage collection and treatment facilities continue to bring the biggest challenge we face as we continue to struggle to improve these facilities and meet the increasing demands of State and Federal regulations. With time, these challenges will also be overcome and this system will be improved and updated to meet our needs into the future. We are very proud to welcome our Police Chief Terry Cochran back from Iraq on Christmas Eve. He will be assuming his duties again in a couple of weeks and we are delighted to have him back home and on the job. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Joe Newman for the fine job he has done filling in for Terry in his absence. We look forward to continuing to work with him on an as needed basis. I would personally like to thank the Council Members for their hard work and diligence in each of their respective departments and their contribution to the community as a whole. I would also like to thank the Citizens of Cottonwood for their patience and support throughout the year. It certainly makes the Mayor job easier when everyone works together and problems can be solved by consensus rather than confrontation. The coming year will see us grappling with more issues and challenges as they relate to each department of the City. With the continued efforts of the Council, employees and citizens, I am confident we will overcome the challenges and continue to move our community forward. It’s all about moving forward while preserving our community, families and way of life. May God bless each of you and Happy New Year! Respectfully, Denis B. Duman, Mayor |