Updated January 20, 2005
Blood drive is Jan. 20
Did you know that each year the President of the United States proclaims January as National Volunteer Blood Donor Month?  All of you are invited to celebrate it by coming to our next drive.   It is this Thursday, January 20 at the Community Hall from 12 to 6 PM. . . .
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Tacke wins photo contest
Maureen Tacke’s photo “Grandpa Don” took first place in the youth division of the Spokane Ag Expo Photography Contest. . . .
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Arnzen wins essay contest
Sarah Arnzen, a freshman at Prairie High School, was the 9th grade winner in the Americanism Essay Contest for 2004-05 sponsored by Fleet Reserve Association Branch 063. . . .
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Pirates beat Deary, lose to Nezperce
The Prairie boys basketball team won a close game at Deary then got beaten at home by Nezperce. . . .
Regular season schedule changes plus district tournament dates at bottom of page. . .
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Lady Pirates win twice
The Prairie Lady Pirates won tough league games against Highland and Deary last week. . . .
District tournament dates at bottom of page. . .
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Summit Academy News
During the past week Summit basketball teams were very successful as the girls team won 3 games, the boys won twice and the junior high boys also won twice. . . .
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Delylah Jewel Minear, born Jan. 12, was the first baby born at St. Mary’s Hospital in 2005. Her parents are Shelli and Bradager Minear of Kamiah. She weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz. and was 20 inches long and was born at 8:10 a.m. She joins a sister, Alina, 15½ months. Her father is a carpenter. Delylah is shown with her mother. Behind them are hospital staff from left, Hanna Schramm, CNA; Lana Leitz, CNA and Liz Flatt, RN. The car seat holds merchants’ gifts. 

Newly elected county officials were sworn in at the courthouse in Grangeville Monday, Jan. 10, by Court Clerk Rose Gehring. From left are Kirk McGregor, county prosecutor; Larry Dasenbrock, county sheriff and Randy Doman and Jim Rehder, county commissioners. Photo provided by Jim Rehder.

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