Updated February 17, 2005
Update: Boys team defeats Kendrick 54-30. Will play at Troy at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 19. Then will play at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 21 if they win or at noon Monday if they lose. Mondy's games are at LCSC.

Building code is adopted
The International Building Code was adopted by the Cottonwood City Council at their February meeting held Monday, Feb. 14. . . .
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Boys Basketball and Wrestling District Tournaments get underway
The PHS Boys Basketball team hosts Kendrick Thursday, Feb. 17 while the Wrestling team competes at District on Saturday, Feb. 19 at Orofino. . . .
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Twelve earn straight A's at PHS
Twelve students earned straight A’s during the second quarter of the 2004-05 school year at Prairie High School. They are  seniors Kevin Funke, Vanessa Sonnen and Kelby Wilson; juniors Adeline Lustig and Danielle Terhaar and freshmen Sarah Arnzen, Jessica Gehring, Brooke Holthaus, Kayla Lorentz, Alex Richardson, Tiffany Schaeffer and Doris Whitley. . . .
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Financial policy is changed
Last year Clearwater Valley Hospital and Clinics wrote off $850,000 in bad debt and St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics wrote off $450,000. . . .
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Pirates lose three games
The Prairie basketball team had a tough week as they lost 3 games, all at home. . . .
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Lady Pirates finish fourth at District
The Lady Pirates edged Troy 45-44, then lost big to Genesee as they finished in fourth place at District, one spot short of a state berth. . . .
Also on this page are a couple of Dance Team pictures from their halftime performances last week. . . .
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The local spelling bee was held on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at Prairie Middle School. Participants were: (top L-R) Lindsey Heitman, 6th grade; Brandi Mainwaring, 8th grade; Kylee VanDiest, 7th grade; Makenzie Coleman-Moea'i, 7th grade; Michele Geis, 8th grade (bottom L-R) Kelzey Dvorak, 3rd grade; Kylee Simmons, 6th grade; Tucker Stefan, 5th grade; Slade Nelson, 5th grade; Kody Duclos, 3rd grade. The first place winner was Kylee VanDiest, 7th grade and the runner up was Michele Geis, 8th grade. Kylee advances on to the next round of competition, the regional spelling bee to be held in Lewiston on Saturday, March 5, 2005.

The "We Care" group at Prairie Middle School meets monthly and looks for ways to help people. Two years ago, they raised over $700 for the Heifer organization. Last year they raised over $250 to help Skyler Badertscher with medical expenses. Their project this year is to raise money for the Tsunami victims. The group has decorated cans and put one in each of the classrooms at the middle school. Please look for the cans in downtown businesses as well. They will be collecting the money the last day of February. We appreciate your help and support in our projects. Front from left are Emily Lerandeau, Sheri Schumacher, Justin Schmidt. Back from left are  Laura Gehring, Katie Nuxoll, Brock Heath, Chelsea Geis. 

Students in Mrs. Kim Schumacher's 4th grade classroom spent the weekend baking up goodies for the "Do Something: Kids Tsunami Relief Fund" baked food sale. They (and/or parents) made cookies and cupcakes and then the students worked different shifts at the selling table. Mrs. Schumacher and students would like to thank 4th grader parents for the donations of goodies and time and everyone at Prairie Elementary that purchased!! The Sale was a HUGE success - over $100!! Pictured are Karissa Terhaar, Kade Perrin, Garrett Schmidt, and Kelsey Tidwell.

Prairie High School basketball coaches Dave Snodgrass, upper photoe, and Jerry Uhling ran youngsters through some drills at  PeeWee Basketball Saturday, Feb. 12.

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