from Pat
Expecting mid 60’s today. All the rain seems to be going into Canada.
Snow pack in Central Idaho is very low. . . .
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to host soup/supper
There are many activities to choose from during this month for the
are youth. March 11th, following the Soup / Supper, there will be Western
Swing classes for the teens at Middle School Release Time Building. (Doesn’t
that sound FUN? Bring your friends to this one!) . . .
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to focus on access to health insurance
Informational meetings on the ‘Access to Health Insurance’ Program
will be held around the state during March and April. The Lewiston
workshops are scheduled on Monday, March 28, 9:00 a.m. and Tuesday, March
29 at 8:30 a.m. A Grangeville workshop will be held on March 28 at
2:00 p.m. . . .
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donated to PES
Prairie Elementary School has received a donation of 40 fielder’s gloves,
4 soccer balls, 20 jump ropes and canisters of tennis balls thanks to the
Jacob Riener Memorial Fund. . . .
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out for baseball
The Prairie High School baseball team has 19 players out this year
with their first game set for this Friday, March 11 against Grangeville
at 5 p.m. at the Orofino Tournament. . . .
Also on this page are photos of the boys basketball award winners.
. . .
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turn out for softball
Fifteen girls are currently out for the Prairie High School softball
team which starts their season this Friday at the Orofino Tournament. .
. .
Also on this page are photos of the girls basketball award winners.
. . .
[Read full story]
Stories this week are about the play Summit Academy will be presenting,
the Summit INEL Academic Bowl team and the girls and boys high school basketball
teams in a tournament at Missoula. . . .
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School board president John Nida, right, presents
Prairie Middle School principal Dave Snodgrass with the ‘Additional Yearly
Growth’ award from the Idaho Dept. of Education for the school’s improving
scores on the Idaho Standards and Achievement Test.
School board president John Nida presents Prairie
Elementary School principal Rene’ Forsmann with a certificate proclaiming
the school “Accredited with Merit.” This is the second year in a row for
the school to receive an award that very few schools statewide achieve.
Shane Stubbers and Brandon Guffey are February attendance
winners. They will go to lunch at the restaurant of their choice with Elementary
School principal Rene’ Forsmann.
Eric Mader, a student at PHS who competes on the High
School Rodeo team, has been awarded a full-ride scholarship at the College
of Southern Idaho to compete on their college rodeo team riding bareback
stock. The scholarship includes school fees, books and housing. PHS athletic
director said Mader was designated as one of the top two rodeo athletes
in the state and the CSI rodeo coach is reported to be very excited to
have signed him.
The local Webelos donated a flag for the Elementary
School, dedicating it in a ceremony last Wednesday, March 2. From left
are Matthew Jengert, Seth Chaffee and Frank Spencer.
Prairie Booster Club president Chris Kaschmitter
shows the award the club received from the White Pine League for “Best
Hospitality” during the District basketball tournaments. Different clubs
from the towns of the league schools provided hospitality on different
days of the tournaments. |
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