City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their regular March meeting Monday, March 14. Sewer commissioner Max Nuxoll said they have more water coming into the sewer ponds than the city is pumping. They know they’re getting some extra inflow from somewhere but it would cost $15,000 for the study to find where that is. He said the department doesn’t have enough money in the budget to cover that. He said he doesn’t know of any grant funds that would help with that. Streets commissioner Jack Duman said there are some Department of Transportation funds that will help pay for anything under the streets, which includes sewer lines. He will get that information to Nuxoll. Martin Fowler said the water system appears to be working very well. At this point it appears there shouldn’t be any problems with water this summer as the aquifers appear to be refilling. They water loss this month was a little higher but they found a new leak that may account for that. In his police report Police Chief Terry Cochran reported that the NICI alert notification system is operational. He said the city and county will be called direct as well as be part of the notification calling system in case one way doesn’t get the city notified. He also reported he has talked with the Summit Academy administrators about speed concerns near the school and with the Parish board about the ongoing church parking lot problems and what they’d like him to do. Jack Duman reported they took advantage of Seuberts’ local crushing operation to get some gravel on some of the streets that really needed it. He is getting specs together for the summer paving work and hopes to have them ready to bid by the end of the month. He reported the grader had a minor breakdown but that the repair was fairly expensive. He also reported the old grader has been sold and that they received $12,500 for it. Shelli Schumacher reported the floors have been redone upstairs at the hall. She said the sign and flagpole are ready for the ballfields but that the concrete may be more expensive than planned as there is a minimum yardage charge. She reported the bill to refurbish well #3 so that it could be used to irrigate the ballfields came in a lot higher than expected. They expected about $500 and it was $2,161. She suggested looking into charging an annual fee to each of the groups that use the fields. Primarily Prairie Youth Sports and the high school softball team. There was some discussion about that and it was suggested to talk with the groups involved first. Rod Behler reported the fire department is keeping busy. They received a $44,000 FEMA grant with the rural department. Last year the city bought a truck and the rural used the money for training. This year they’ll reverse it with the rural department getting a new tanker truck and the city using their money for training and equipment. The volunteers all have new turnouts and they’re looking into upgrading the personal and truck radios. He said the mutual aid agreement with Grangeville seems to be worked out. He also reported they just received a $12,000 grant that will help pay for smoke alarms and fire extinguishers for businesses and residences and for some public awareness programs. The conditional use permit requested by the Lustigs and Chmeliks for a day care in the old Summit building was approved. A request for use of the Community Hall for a Relay for Life rally at no charge was approved so long as they leave it in just as good a condition as they find it. City Clerk Carol Altman asked for some direction on past due utility bills, mostly when to start applying liens to property to collect them. Nuxoll suggested in excess of $250 or 120 days past due, whichever comes first. The council passed a motion to that affect. Mayor Denis Duman asked the council if they’d be willing to sell some of the black dirt they have to the Monastery. The Monastery is looking for some to landscape around their new conference center. Council members said to get some idea of market value first. The council adjourned to an executive session at 9:15 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, April 11 at 8 p.m. |