Updated March 24, 2005
School District faces another budget shortfall
The preliminary budget numbers are a little better than last year but it still looks like the school district will fall about $248,000 short of balancing the budget this year according to superintendent Stan Kress at the March school board meeting Monday, March 21. . . .
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Notes from City Hall
Spring is in the air!  Even though the plants and flowers are being fooled by the weather, there is sure to be more rain and snow in our near future (I hope).  . . .
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Blood drive set for April 7
The American Red Cross Bloodmobile Unit will be making another visit to Cottonwood on April 7 from 12:00 to 6:00.  They will be at the Community Hall. . . .
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Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday
Indoor Outdoor 4-H group will be holding the Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday March 26, starting at 10:00 a.m. in the Cottonwood City Park. . . .
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Pirates lose by 3 at Kamiah; Rodeo to be a letter sport
Errors contributed heavily to a non-league loss at Kamiah Thursday, March 17 by the Prairie baseball team as they fell 8-11 to the Kubs. . . .
Also on this page is an article about high school rodeo becoming a letter sport. . . .
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Lady Pirates lose 3 games at New Plymouth
The Prairie Lady Pirates made a trip to New Plymouth and lost 3 games Friday and Saturday, March 18-19.
They lost to New Plymouth 0-10 on Friday and 4-10 on Saturday then lost to Glenns Ferry 3-17 on Saturday. . . .
Also Jennifer Enneking is on an AAU basketball team that won a tournament at Moscow recently. . .
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Brock Heath, left, and Devin Schmidt were co-winners of the 110% Award at the Bulldog Madness Basketball Tournament in Grangeville this past weekend. Coaches and referees in the tournament voted for the player(s) who gave 110% throughout the tournament.  

The Cottonwood Saddliers 4-H Club horse bowl team came away the winners of the 2005 Idaho County 4-H Horse Bowl Contest held Saturday, March 19th in Grangeville. 

Students enjoy the food at the PHS Junior-Senior banquet. Click on the photo for more photos and a story.

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