Notes from City Hall
Spring is in the air!  Even though the plants and flowers are being fooled by the weather, there is sure to be more rain and snow in our near future (I hope).  But the warm, sunny days can’t help but to put a spring in your step and a longing for the warm summer ahead.  But first, we need to tend to the spring chores and get ready for the summer.  Planting, painting and cleanup work all need to be done before the play of summer begins.
This year we will again sponsor Spring Cleanup Week within the City.  There will be a roll-off placed at the top of Idaho Street by the railroad tracks on April 18th to the 25th for use by citizens of the City free of charge to dispose of yard waste or any inert waste that you would like to dispose of.  The Scouts and 4-H clubs will be undertaking various projects to help clean up and beautify the community.  I invite each resident to take advantage of this week and the services offered to spruce up the neighborhood and show your pride in your community.  Keep an eye out for further information.
There should be plenty of water for irrigation this year and for many years to come even though drought conditions exist throughout our region.  Use the resource wisely but look forward to a green yard and plentiful garden.  And, please, help us to get weeds under control.  Let’s all try to do our part to control this menace in our community.
Lastly, be VERY CAREFUL with fires.  This is typically the time of year to burn off grass and weeds and as dry as things are, it is very easy for these flames to creep away and catch something unintended on fire.  Keep a hose handy and pay attention to the wind.  Let’s keep property loss down to ZERO.
Have a great spring and be careful!  AND HAVE A HAPPY AND BLESSED EASTER!
Denis B. Duman, Mayor

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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