Chamber meets
At the meeting March 10 of the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce “Relay for Life”, part of the American Cancer association, told of a relay in Grangeville July 22-23. This would be the first relay held in Grangeville. More information will be given on this event at a later date. This program is promoted by Cancer survivors. It was reported that on June 6, 2005, NICI takes over the Job Corp housing just outside the city limits. Announced was a meeting to be held March 22 at the Coffee Mill Creations from 4-5:30 p.m. To meet with Hank Ebert of the Idaho state GEM team. Also at the meeting would be Shawn Maxie and Christine Frei of CEDA. Donnie Nuxoll presented information to the group on the matter of no interest purchases being offered in Cottonwood. He and Don Clark feel businesses in other town, such as Lewiston, by offering the no interest, purchase, and have an advantage. Next meeting is April 14, at 8 a.m. at the Coffee Mill Creations on Main Street. |