Tea set for May 7
The Historical Museum at St. Gertrude in Cottonwood, Idaho announces that the Eighth Annual Victorian Tea is scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 7, 2005 in the refectory of the Monastery of St. Gertrude. This annual event coincides with the Mother’s Day weekend. It is intended to provide everyone with an opportunity to treat their mother, daughter, grandmother, or other special person, male or female, to a truly enjoyable afternoon. The Victorian Tea recreates the attire, food, music, and lifestyle of the Victorian era. While the food menu changes from year to year, a partial sampling of past food has included mango almond scones; devonshire cream and butter; toffee almond shortbread; and cucumber, egg curry, and chicken sandwiches. Tea, coffee, and punch are also served. Music of the era will be provided as background music. While not a requirement for attendance, the Victorian Tea presents an opportunity for everyone, male and female, to dress in Victorian attire and to relive a unique time in history. Valet parking is provided upon arrival. Due to increased interest in this annual tea, we now offer two servings. The first serving occurs from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. (Pacific Time) with the second serving occurring from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time). In order to avoid confusion for people arriving from points south please be aware that the times are Pacific Times. Guided tours of the historic Monastery Chapel are scheduled. The Monastery’s gift shop and the historical museum will be open during the day as well. The cost for this premier event is $15.00 per person, including children, with all proceeds going to benefit The Historical Museum at St. Gertrude. Be aware that seating is limited to 110 persons per serving. To be assured of seating, reservations are required. If you make reservations and mail your payment, we will have your ticket ready when you arrive at the door. For further information call (208) 962-7123, e-mail the museum at or visit our website at |