earn straight A's
There were 10 students who earned straight A’s for the third quarter
of the 2004-05 school year. They were Kevin Funke, Justin Smith, Kelby
Wilson and Vanessa Sonnen in the senior class; Adeline Lustig in the junior
class and Sarah Arnzen, Jessica Gehring, Alex Richardson, Kimberly Schaeffer,
and Gina Holthaus in the freshman class. . . .
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thanks the patrons
I would like to extend this Thank You to the many people for allowing
me to be a part of one of the best school districts in the state and nation.
This first sentence might raise at least two questions, isn’t this a little
prideful? And second, isn’t this easy to say and tough to back up?
. . .
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take a look at Columbine
The Prairie High School junior English classes spent the beginning
of the class period for the past month listening to the reading of
Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine by Brooks Brown.
We made it a goal in this class to really take a look at what has
happened in our nation, and what literature comes of these events.
. . .
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author to speak at Monastery
Ruthanne Lum McCunn, author of the book Thousand Pieces of Gold, the
story of Polly Bemis, will make a presentation on May 12, 2005, at 7:00
pm at the Monastery of St. Gertrude dining room. . . .
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win 3 of 5
The Prairie baseball team won 3 of 4 league games and 3 of 5 overall
last week. . . .
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Pirates win 4 league games
The Prairie Lady Pirates stayed unbeaten in league action with a pair
of wins against Troy and wins against Lapwai and Kendrick. . . .
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teams compete in two meets; Local woman competes at Boston Marathon
Local teams competed in a pair of track meets last week, at Lapwai
on Tuesday and the Lewis & Clark Games at Kamiah on Saturday. . . .
Also on this page is an article about Trina Geis competing at the Boston
Marathon. . . .
[Read full story]
From left are Dani Terhaar, Sarah Forsmann and Natalie
Arnzen. They were the poetry, poster and essay top project winners in an
assignment on Columbine in Sarah Remacle’s junior English class. See the
winning entries in the article at left.
Winners for the Essay Contest sponsored by Idaho County
Farm Bureau are: l-r, Derek Nuxoll, first place, Savanah Prigge, third
place, and Rachel Uhlenkott, second place. The contest was open to all
5th grade students in Idaho County using the theme "Celebrating Idaho's
Agricultural Heritage." Competition was tough as there were three 5th grade
classes and a home schooled student participating in the contest. All three
winning students attend Summit Academy, Cottonwood. Dave Goeckner is their
teacher. The essays now are sent to the District level which includes Riggins
to the Canadian border. (Photo by Jeanne Arnzen)
Prairie Elementary students receive a backpack once
they have reached 125 points in the Accelerated Reading program. Shown
in the upper photo are Amanda Dinning, Mackenzie Rieman, Austin Kreautler,
Beth Dinning, and Hanna Casey. In the lower photo is Cody Tillinghast.
In the upper photo are the window blinds in the Elementary
gym while the lower photo shows Danette Moea’i presenting a $200 check
to Dave Snodgrass for the girls basketball program. Funds for both came
from the Pee Wee Basketball program over the past 2 years. They also donated
$100 to the boys basketball program and purchased 5 new basketballs for
the Pee Wee program. Donations were made to the high school programs for
their help in coaching the Pee Wees.
The Technology Students of America chapter at Prairie
High School is sending 3 students to national competition at Chicago and
to raise money for the trip. Shown are some of the donated items that are
part of a prize drawing. They can be seen at Schlader Photography.
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