News Update--Prairie softball
team beat Kendrick 14-4 Thursday and will play in championship game Saturday.
That game has been moved up to 10 a.m. due to threat of afternoon thundershowers.
Kelby Wilson traveled to Anaheim, California at the
end of April to compete in the National BPA conference and took 1st place
in the Advanced Office Systems and Procedures event.
Whitney Sonnen and Callie Mader are the April attendance
winners. They will have lunch with the principal at a restaurant
of their choice.
The top photo shows the Prairie Youth Choir performing
at their concert Monday night. The lower photo shows the 3-year members
with their plaques. From left are Danielle Cochran, Betty Jane Clark, Kendra
Dinning, Mike Karel and Regina Seubert. Not shown are Kristin Hill and
Rachel Spencer.
At the Mother Daughter Tea, held March 6th, Linda
Nida was awarded Mother of the Year by an essay wrote by her two daughters
Jenna and Nicole.
Last Wednesday night was the scene of a "whole-lotta"
Science in the Prairie Elementary gym. Students had been preparing
their science fair exhibits over the last month. 2nd through 4th
grade students had to come up with their own hypothesis, include procedures,
conclusions and some sort of display. They showcased their work for
parents, grandparents, and community members. Kindergarten and 1st
grade students worked as a community on projects. 1st Graders constructed
a tropical rainforest and Kindergartners displayed work from their dental
health unit. The gym was open from 6:00-7:30 and was packed for the
evening. Refreshments were served in the cafeteria and it was a great
evening of education and entertainment! In the photo Tony and Spencer Schumacher
look through the exhibits.
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