Ballfields are dominant topic of discussion
The Wimer Ballfields were the dominant topic of discussion at the May meeting of the Cottonwood City Council Monday, May 9.
What it mostly came down to is that things need to be better organized and coordinated.  Yes the fields were built with donations and volunteer labor but they were built on city property. The city was asked in the beginning to take care of mowing and watering of the fields. Since then they’ve been expected to provide electricity, drinking water and sewer to the concession/restroom building as well as provide cleaning and supplies. There was also concern expressed about how many people have keys to the building. 
The city also incurred an expense of roughly $3,000 to convert the previously deactivated well #3 to a watering supply for the fields.
It was estimated that costs to the city would be approximately $1,000-$1,200 per year.
Mayor Denis Duman asked Schumacher to come up with some proposals and share them with the rest of the council and maybe come up with something that will work for all parties by the next meeting.
In other business Martin Fowler reported that the water system is working very well. They’re still seeing a leakage of about 18-20% which is down from last month but still higher than he’d like to see. He said the aquifer under wells #2 and #4 seems to be recovering nicely. Both wells are pumping at near capacity when they are going. Having well #5 take the stress off them has helped considerably.
Summer projects for the water system include changing some piping on the wells so that they aren’t losing so much water back down the well in pre-lubing the pumps. There will also be some more water meter replacements.
Max Nuxoll reported they are sprinkling at the agriforest. He said they are also looking for some used 3 inch aluminum pipe.
He said he is still working on the engineering bill and is trying to get it resolved.
Police Chief Terry Cochran’s report noted that the department received roughly $10,500 in grant monies, which are being used for such things as a handheld video camera, vehicle video system, night vision goggles, and some hazmat suits.
Jack Duman reported that some of the street projects he was looking at for this summer may not happen as they got held up in engineering delays. King St. from the carwash to the park is one project he’d like to get done but not if it gets pushed back into fair time. The current city engineer was looking at a $37,000 charge just for engineering this project. Duman did some looking around and has a proposal from another firm of $22,000. Mayor Duman was given authorization by the council to sign an agreement with this other firm pending review by the city attorney.
He said they are prepping streets for dust abatement with a 50/50 cost sharing.
Another project given the go-ahead was a traffic flow/beautification idea presented by Jack Duman for the corner of Broadway and Main on the firehouse corner. His proposal would protect the hydrant as well as keep people from cutting off that corner.
It was approved to advertise for a part-time summer hire to do the mowing at the park, ballfields and agriforest.
A proposal was also approved to place a plaque on well #5 in dedication to the memory of Dawn Huntley and his work for the city of Cottonwood.
The council adjourned at 10:05 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, June 13 at 8 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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