Kindergarten and preschoolers
Coming to a close for the 2004-2005 school year, the pre-school and Kindergarteners have learned and laughed much!Summit preschoolers present a check to Fr. Temba.
The pre-schoolers have just recently worked on an apostolate to raise money for Fr. Camillus to take home with him this summer to Africa. They challenged each class in the school to drop coins in a coin bank they provided. For one month each class did what they could to collect coins for this project. At the end of the month they had raised right at about $600 for Fr. Camillus. They presented him with a large check and had him come for lunch and the ice cream reward ceremony. This week they will be traveling to the convent for an annual field trip.
Summit Kindergartners show their science fair projects.The Kindergarten class has also been working hard. They are planning a community services field trip for May 25, including a visit with Fr. Camillus. He is going to share with the students what his days' agendas are - not just saying Mass in church every morning! For one of their apostolates, they gathered supplies and goodies to send to some of the soldiers in Iraq. They had been learning about their country and what it means to be free. So, they wrote a thank you letter to the current soldiers in Iraq and sent along a huge goody box in appreciation to them for what they are doing for us.
If any 3 or 4 year old is interested in attending Summit Academy's preschool in
the fall, you are invited and encouraged to a special guest preschool day, May 19th from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Any up and coming kindergarteners interested in attending Summit Academy next fall are invited to a special guest Kindergarten day May 20th from 12:45-3:10pm. We will be having some special activities for our guests and would love to host any visitors at this time. Please contact the school at 962-5650 with any questions or concerns, and we hope to see you here.

A Tribute to John Paul II
Friday, April 29, the Summit Academy Students put on an evening performance, each class giving some sort of tribute to the late John Paul II. Before the evening began, Shane Wemhoff, Student Body President, welcomed all in attendance and gave special recognition to the Principal on her birthday.The entire student body performs at the opening of their tribute.
The evening began with the entire student body singing one of John Paul II's favorite songs, "Lord, You Have Come". Immediately following this song the Preschoolers and Kindergarteners sang several songs related to some of John Paul II' s most prevalent issues. They also added a poem they had memorized about his life. Next came the 7th and 8th graders presenting a slide show they had prepared with the Power Point program. The focus of their performance was all of John Paul II's "firsts" of the papacy. The 9th and 10th graders followed with flags from many of the different countries around the world that John Paul II had visited while the Vicar. Each of them shared with the audience, quotes he had said during his stay in each of these countries. They concluded with the famous quote, "Be not afraid" in every language of the countries represented on stage.
The 3rd and 4th graders did a "still shot" drama program of the new 5 luminous mysteries that John Paul II instituted during his reign. They explained and acted the meaning of each of these mysteries. With "You Are the Wind Beneath my Wings" playing as background music, the 11th and 12th graders quoted some of John Paul II's most famous teachings during his 26 years as pope. Also running was a slideshow of various pictures of the Holy Father at work during these times. The 1st and 2nd graders then presented a timeline of Pope John Paul II's life. They ended with the song "One Bread, One Body".
For the finale, the 5th and 6th graders ended with the "Compline", or the night prayers said by many of the religious around the world. John Paul II encouraged the lay people to participate in these as well, hence why this class chose this presentation for the Spring Show.
Refreshments and much visiting followed.

Preschoolers visit Monastery
The preschoolers of Summit Academy were excited as they climbed into various vehicles on the morning of May 10.
They were headed off to St. Gertrude’s Monastery to bring the sisters some homemade treats.
The little ones, with help from their teacher, Mrs. Kathy Rehder, had prepared May Day Baskets and a song for the sisters. They arrived and found the sisters waiting. The visit was spent distributing their May Day baskets, singing, visiting and exploring. Both groups enjoyed one another’s company and the morning visit ended much too quickly.
A special note: a special preschool day is set for Thursday, May 19. Any child, 3 or 4 years of age is invited to attend Summit Academy’s preschool from 9:30-11:30 on that day. It will be a day of music, stories, activity, and fun all designed to give your child a glimpse of preschool life at Summit Academy. Anyone interested in bringing their preschool age child is encouraged to bring them on Thursday. Patents will meet in a separate room and learn about the preschool program offered at the school.
Regular preschool hours are 8:30-11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cost is $7.50 per session.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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