awarded lots of scholarships
35 students received diplomas at the Prairie High School graduation
last Friday, May 27.
In addition the graduates received several awards and have been collectively
awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships. . . .
[Read full story]
team receives national award
Leaders who share dual responsibilities at St. Mary's Hospital, Cottonwood,
and Clearwater Valley Hospital, Orofino, were named as the 2005 HealthLeaders
Top Leadership Team in Healthcare for Small Hospitals. . . .
[Read full story]
resigns as principal
Mike Bundy, principal at Prairie High School for the past 6 years has
resigned to pursue his doctorate. . . .
[Read full story]
Yard Sale is Saturday
About 20 sales have signed up. If you want your sale on the map
call Sharie Chaffee at 962-3559 by 8 p.m. on Thursday, June 2 for the Saturday
sale. . . .
[Read full story]
meeting; Open Gym; Zephyrs start season
There will be a meeting Thursday, June 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Prairie
High School cafeteria for parent and players to meet the new football coaching
staff. . . .
Prairie High School will have open gym for Prairie athletes on Mondays,
Tuesdays and Thursdays during the summer from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. each day.
. . .
The Camas Prairie Zephyrs will be starting their season Wednesday,
June 1st. Practice will start at 6:00 P.M. in Cottonwood. . . . .
[Read full story]
awards given
On this page are photos of the boys and girls track awards winners.
. . .
[Read full story]
graduation is Friday
The first ever graduation ceremonies for Summit Academy are scheduled
for this Friday, June 3. . . .
[Read full story]
The Prairie High School class of 2005 flip their tassels
after receiving their diplomas. Many other photos in the article here.
The Joint Managers for CVHC/SMHC display their national
award as Top Leadership Team, 2005 from HealthLeaders Magazine. Back from
left: Larry Kidd, CFO; Jim May, Development Director; Bryan Skinner,
IT. Middle from left: Gary McEwen, PT; Pat Watkins, Facilities Management;
Iris Hawley, SMHC Director of Nursing; Sue Higgins, CVHC Director of Nursing;
Shawn Severson, Home Health; Larry Barker, Compliance Officer; Kathryn
Allen, Physician Services. Front from left: Pam McBride, Grants Coordinator;
Jeanette Gorman, Community Relations; Sr. Barbara Jean Glodowski, Mission
Integration; Debbie Schumacher, Human Resources; Casey Meza, CEO; Theresa
Uptmor, SMHC Clinics Manager; Patsy Bright, Health Information.
The preschoolers in their spring hats performed at
the Elementary School concert last Thursday. Photos of the other classes
will make it into next week’s update..
The VFW and American Legion held Memorial Day ceremonies
at the Greencreek Cemetery Monday. Later in the day they also held services
in Cottonwood. Unusual this year was double buglers, Ashley and Adam Schumacher,
both grandchildren of VFW member Frank Enneking.
Diana Geis, left, and Amanda Geis, right with the
sign they designed and built for the Community Library in their art class
at PHS. The sign was being installed Tuesday morning.
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(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact the editor
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