Hospital to host summer events
 St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics will be sponsoring a variety of fun runs and walks this summer to promote both fitness and fun and to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
 “Part of our responsibility as health care providers is to promote wellness in the communities we serve,” said Jeanette Gorman, SMHC Community Relations Coordinator. “People who stay in shape through regular exercise have a better chance of avoiding health problems relating to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.  In other words, we’re here to make sure any couch potatoes have fun motivation to get some exercise!”Hospital employees helped to publicize the Coyote Classic last year which will be run again this year.
 The Craigmont June Picnic 5k, 1 mile and 3.1 mile walks and runs are scheduled to begin at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 25 from Highland High School.  Registration fee is $12.00 with a T-shirt and $5.00 without a shirt.  Forms are available the morning of the event at 7:00 a.m., at the SMHC reception desk or through local Craigmont businesses. Call SMH Home Health, 962.2461 for additional information.
 The 3rd Annual Coyote Classic will be held in Cottonwood on Saturday, July 16th.  The start time for the 2.5 mile walk or run and the 5 mile run is 8:00 a.m. with registration beginning at 7:00 a.m.  The course begins at the hospital parking lot and ends downtown with views of the prairie and railroad trestles along the course.  The pre registration fee of $10 includes a T-shirt.  Registration the day of the race is $12 and $5.00 with no shirt.  Forms will be available at various businesses and the SMHC reception desks.
 SMHC and Clearwater Valley Hospital are co-sponsoring two teams in this year’s American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.  Mary Beth Meyers, SMHC Transcription, is coordinating the First Annual Relay at the Grangeville High School Track on Friday and Saturday, July 22-23rd.  Proceeds go for cancer research and education.  Call Meyers for more details, 962-3251.
 The 2nd Annual Midsummer Relay will also be held in Cottonwood on Friday, August 5 in the evening.  Dr. Teel Bruner is coordinating the event with plans on replicating the relay in Kamiah some time this summer.  Participants will form four person relay teams.  Each member of the 8 mile relay team will walk or run two miles and each member of the 12 mile relay team will complete three miles.  Stayed tuned for details on this fun relay race.
 The Nezperce Medical Clinic is also holding an Open House on Saturday, July 9th, from 10:00 to 1:00 p.m. during the town’s Prairie Days Celebration.   The Open House will be staffed by Dr. Andrew Jones and Molly Seubert, Receptionist, and will feature refreshments and a Pocket Pal First Aid guide.
 “St. Mary’s is proud to sponsor these summer events,” said Gorman.  “Our health care providers are interested in promoting wellness through a variety of events and festivities.  We hope our patients have a safe, fun summer and don’t forget to use sunscreen!”

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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