Academy honor roll released
Three seniors and one sophomore topped the fourth quarter honor roll for Summit Academy, released yesterday by school officials. Mark Uhlenkott, class valedictorian, added one more perfect 4.00 point to his high school career, ending all eight semesters with that grade. Seniors Dylan Greene and Shane Wemhoff, and sophomore Amber Nuxoll also earned the same 4.00 mark for the 4th quarter. Academy high schoolers making the high honor roll with a grade point of 3.75 or higher were: juniors Jeannie Goeckner, Maria Osborne, Brandon Rehder, Kelli Shears, and Lauren Wemhoff, joined by Alexa Prigge and Jacob Uhlenkott from the sophomore class. Honor roll students with a grade average of 3.50 to 3.74: Stephen Spencer, junior, sophomores Alyssa Frei, Jacquie Lustig, Emily Rehder, Katie Struble, and Mary Wimer, and fros Lauren Chmelik. Junior high and elementary students on their honor roll with an overall average of 93% or better are: Junior high: Kim Frei, Dustin Lustig, Joseph Lustig, and Brianne Stubbers, all 8th grade, and Dylan Prigge, 7th grade. Fifth and Sixth: Nicole Frei, Derek Nuxoll, Savanah Prigge, Michael Rehder, Rachel Uhlenkott, and Rachel Wemhoff. Third and Fourth: Sara Chmelik, Rachael Frei, Sarah Kuther, Megan Rehder, Tanna Schlader, Matthew Schwartz, Cassidy Stubbers, and Nicole Wemhoff. Summit students achieve perfect attendance Topping the perfect attendance roles for Summit Academy during the current school year were the following five high school students: Senior Ben Kuther, sophomores Allysa Frei, Alex Kuther, and Jacquie Lustig, and fros Zach Frei. On the list for perfect attendance fourth quarter in addition to the five above were: High school students Dylan Greene, Elaine Rehder, Lauren Wemhoff, Amber Nuxoll, Alexa Prigge, Katie Struble, Jacob Uhlenkott, Anna Osborne, Lynn Rehder, and David Spencer. Junior high and elementary students: Chase Nuxoll, Joseph Lustig, Brianne Stubbers, and Joshua Frei, who also finished the entire year with a perfect attendance record. Other elementary students missing no days fourth quarter with all year figures unavailable at this time were; Nicole Frei, Savannah Kuther, Savanah Prigge, Michael Rehder, Courtney Schwartz, Shawn Seubert, Rachel Wemhoff, Rachael Frei, Sarah Kuther, Brooke Schumacher, Matthew Schwartz, Cassidy Stubbers, Nicole Wemhoff, Nathan Beckman, Cody Frei, Zach Frei, Daniel Mager, Kayla Schumacher, and Isaiah Shears. |