Updated June 30, 2005
Greencreek celebration is Monday
The annual Greencreek 4th of July Celebration gets underway at 6 a.m. Monday, July 4 with the Flag Raising. . . .
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17 make A honor roll at PMS
Seventeen students made the A honor roll for the fourth quarter at Prairie Middle School. They were Megan Sigler, MaKayla Schaeffer, Torin Dalgliesh, Joshwa Zigler and Troy Lorentz in the 5th grade; Meaghan Bruner, Madison Edwards, Brock Heath, Michael Karel and Christina Johnson in the 6th grade; Kelly Edwards, David Sigler and NaTosha Schaeffer in the 7th grade and Emily Lerandeau, Laura Gehring, Rachel Kaschmitter and Alicia Pepper in the 8th grade. . . .
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Sr. Betty Schumacher appointed by bishop
Sr. Betty Schumacher of the Monastery of St. Gertrude was appointed by Bishop Michael Driscoll to serve as the Diocese of Boise Director of Education Ministries effective July 1, 2005. . . .
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Greene selected for leadership program
Dylan Greene, Cottonwood, Idaho was selected to be a part of Creighton University’s Freshmen Leadership Program (FLP).  . . .
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Forsmann wins lineman's rodeo
On June 4th local boy Shawn Forsmann, son of Wayne and Dar Forsmann, showed the rest of the west what Idaho is made of as he took first place overall in the apprentice division in Utah’s 14th Annual Lineman’s Rodeo. . . .
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Softball and volleyball in the summer
Stories on this page are about the Summer Softball team competing at Lewiston and the PHS volleyball squad getting some extra instruction at a special summer camp. . . .
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The youngsters attending the Greencreek 4th of July Celebration next Monday will get to try out a new ride. This 9-car train was built by St. Anthony Society members and will get its first real action Monday. Ambrose Schumacher reported that in test drives they discovered it might be a problem to get the youngsters to want to get out of the ride once they get in it. 

During the past two weeks, Prairie Middle School staff have been painting walls, decorating offices and cleaning up. Inmates from North Idaho Correctional Institution have been painting on the outside of the building as well as helping with the landscaping. Thank you to all who have been helping. Shown are Carol Schmidt, Nancy Arnzen and Tandy Savage. 

Shawn Forsmann competing in the hurtman rescue portion of the Utah Lineman Rodeo.He took first place overall in the event. See article at left.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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