85 donate blood
The Blood Drive last Thursday, July 21 has come and gone. There were 85 people generous enough to come and give to this worthwhile cause.  
Ten of these people were first time donors; Summer Yonke, Dakota Klinkefus, Kenneth Becker, Sr. Theresa Jackson, Brandon Duman, Dan Enneking,  Wanda Lee,  Amanda Jackson,  Ashley Jackson, and  Jessma Barrani.
It takes many people working behind the scenes to put on a successful drive. These people were Marlene Jungert, Elaine Schumacher, Eleanor Hinkelman, Merna Gehring, Doris Sonnen, Joyce Bieker, Margaret Stewart, Jeanne Beatty, Sally Nuxoll, Helen Huntley, and Mary Jennings. Coming to help set up and take down were Mark Tacke and Ernie Jennings, 
Dan, Kevin and Mikey Karel,  Eric and Ryan Daly, and Taylor Rieman.  Thank you one and all.
Our next draw will be on Thursday, October 27. See you then.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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