School Calendar
5-Labor Day, no school 8th-Birth of Mary 15-Our Lady of Sorrows 17-Mystery Night 10-Columbus Day 31-End of First Quarter (45 days) 2-All Souls Day 3-No School-Teacher Inservice 4-No School-Parent Teacher Conferences; First Friday Adoration 11-Veterans Day 20-Christ the King 21-Presentation of May 23-Early dismissal at 12:00 for Thanksgiving Break 24-Thanksgiving 25-Thanksgiving Break, no school 26-Fr. Maciel's anniversary of his priestly ordination 27-First Sunday of Advent 8-Immaculate Conception 22-Early dismissal, 12:00, Christmas break begins 25-Nativity - Have a happy, holy Christmas 27-St. John the Evangelist Feast Day 28-Feast of the Holy Innocents 2-Classes resume 3-Founding of the Legionaries of Christ 6-Epiphany; First Friday Adoration 8-Baptism of the Lord 20-End of 2nd quarter (48 days) 26-No school - teacher inservice 27-No school - parent/teacher conferences 28-St. Thomas Aquinas feast day - Teacher's Day 3-First Friday Adoration 6-Decretion Laudis 14-Valentine's Day 20-No School - President's Day 3-First Friday Adoration 10-Fr. Maciel's birthday 19-St. Joseph's feast day - Principal's Day 24-End of third quarter (43 days) 25-The Annunciation 13-Holy Thursday; Early dismissal, noon, beginning of Easter break 14-Good Friday 16-Easter Sunday, have a blesses Easter; Pope Benedict XVI's birthday 19-Pope Benedict XVI's anniversary of his election to Holy Father 17-21-Easter Break 24-School Resumes 14-Mother's Day 25-Ascension of Our Lord; Canonical Approval of the Legionaries of Christ 26-Graduation Day (pending) 29-Memorial Day - no school 4-Pentecost |