sought for backpack program
Would you like to see each student in the school district begin classes with all the supplies he or she needs to begin the school year? Could you help St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics stock backpacks for needy students? Would you like to be responsible for a smile from a grateful student, parent or teacher? SMHC is once again gathering school supplies to put in backpacks for needy students in the Cottonwood, Nezperce and Craigmont schools. “Not all families can afford the cost of a backpack or school supplies and our employees and patients have annually supplied one or two stocked backpacks for each grade level,” said Cheri Holthaus, HR Assistant. “Because the need has increased with each passing year, we are once again approaching members of the community to help with the project.” “Anyone interested can pick up a tag which lists the supplies needed for each grade level. These tags are available outside of the chapel in the hospital; several tags will also be available at the Nezperce and Craigmont clinics” explained Holthaus. If you would like to help out, but do not have the time to purchase the supplies you may make a donation and a St. Mary’s employee will purchase the backpack and supplies for you. Also, if you do not want to fill a complete back pack the school would be happy with any extra supplies you would like to donate.” The recipients of the backpacks are selected by the school principal and kept strictly confidential. If you child needs a backpack and supplies contact the school district. |