retires from SMH/CVH board
After 15 years of involvement with Clearwater Valley Hospital and Clinics and nine years participation with St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics, Harriet Reece, current chair of their Board of Trustees is retiring from the board. Her appointment on the combined board expires this September. Jerry Reid’s, Craigmont, board term also expires. The Benedictine Health System sets term limits for board members. “We will miss both Jerry and Harriet and appreciate the many contributions they’ve made over the years. They were both key contributors during BHS’ efforts to bring the hospitals together to form a stable regional health care system,” said Casey Meza, CEO. “Their foresight in forming a system capable of carrying us into the future helps ensure health care services for this region.” Larry Coonts, Orofino, will assume the role as President; Gordon Harman, Cottonwood, as Vice President and Marguerite McLaughlin, Orofino, as Secretary/Treasurer. Reece was named the Idaho Hospital Association Trustee of the Year and served for three years on their governing board. “Joining BHS has brought stability and prosperity to the hospitals and I am happy to have been a part of that process,” said Reece. In addition to the newly named officers the following people also serve on the joint Board of Trustees: Dr. Maurice Masar; Sr. Meg Sass; Dave Kludt; Lee Pippenger; Marge Kuchynka; Sr. Mary Rochefort, St. Scholalstica Priory, Duluth, Minnesota; and Dan McGinty, BHS. |