Forsmann receives 'white coats'
After completing two years of pre-pharmacy being held to high GPA standards Jeffrey Clark and Daniel Forsmann received White Pharmacy Coats in a ceremony at Washington State University on Friday August 19, 2005. The Doctor of Pharmacy program requires the two years of pre-pharmacy followed by fours years of pre-pharmacy followed by four years of professional education. Jeff and Daniel will study the next two years in Pullman then complete their training with two more years in Spokane. The program had over 900 applications for 90 openings this year, so for every student given a white coat may were turned away. The White Coat Ceremony is conducted each fall semester for the entering Doctor of Pharmacy students. To open the ceremony the faculty entered in procession followed by the 90 students each with a coat draped over their arm. Introductions, and welcomes as well as speeches on the new happenings in pharmacy were given. The students were called one by one to the stage where they were dressed in the professional jacket a symbol of the career and then in front of family and friends recited an Oath of Professionalism. A reception followed where the families had time to visit with the students and the staff. The above photo is Jeff and Daniel with Dean James Kehrer of the Pharmacy School and Catherine Elstad PhD. Associate Dean. |