sends delegate to World Congress
The Monastery of St. Gertrude in Cottonwood, ID, is sending a delegate to the first World Congress for Benedictine Oblates in Rome, Italy, September 19 - 25, 2005, at the Salesianum. Jane Frith is from Boise, ID, and has been an Oblate of St. Gertrude’s Monastery since the program was initiated in 1988. Frith was one of the first lay persons to associate themselves with the monastery as an oblate. "It is a privilege to represent the oblates and the sisters of St. Gertrude's. I imagine that each day will be full of learning more about Benedictine Oblate life and meeting many oblates from around the world. "I know that when I return I will have new insights and information to share with the community." Benedictine Oblates are men and women, married or single, active in any Christian denomination, who closely associate themselves with a Benedictine monastery. Oblates find that God’s call to daily conversion is facilitated in their lives through Benedictine spirituality, illuminated by the Rule of St. Benedict. They meet regularly together and at the monastery to deepen their spirituality and to explore ways to live Benedictine values in their daily lives. The World Congress will bring together Benedictine Oblates from countries throughout the world. This first event in the history of Benedictines is in recognition of the enormous amount of spiritual energy underway in the Christian world. It is expected to widen the horizons of the participants, give new impulse to Benedictine, monastic spirituality and further the spiritual needs of people throughout the world. The committee that established the World Congress met to choose the 60 delegates from the 150 Benedictine monasteries in the United States. Each chosen monastery was to select one Oblate to be their representative and assist in funding their travel and conference accommodations. They were chosen based on certain criteria established: - Regularly attends the designated Oblate meetings - Is an active member of their local church including worship service - Practices regular daily prayer both contemplative and intercessory - Makes an annual retreat - Is involved through service or leadership - Has the ability to make presentations upon their return. |