Scout Popcorn sales start
Pack 638 of Cottonwood will be starting their popcorn sales once again this year.  They will start selling on October 1st.  The money is going towards scouting activities, such as, day camp, Camp Grisly and other scouting activities.  Each scout receives a prize based on the amount of popcorn sold.
There are many varieties available again this year.  The popular 5-way Chocolate Lovers Tin is $50.  The 3-way Tin is $40, while the Cheese Lover’s Tine is $30.  Both the Chocolatey Caramel Crunch 24 oz tin and Caramel Corn with Almonds and Pecans 26 oz tin are $16 each.  They very popular microwave popcorn is $15 for a 15 pack box.  Varieties include Kettle corn, “Unbelievable Butter” Microwave Popcorn, or Butter Light Microwave Popcorn.  And finally the famous Caramel Corn with Peanuts 11 oz tin is $8.
You can contact any local scout to place an order.  I hope you buy a lot.
Reported by Webelos Scout: Frank Spencer

Court of Honor held
On September 15th, Boy Scout Troop 638 held their Court of Honor.  This is where the young men received the merit badges they have earned throughout the year.  The troop received a total of 23 badges.  The Boy Scouts after receiving their badges.
They are as follows:
Kyle Bruegeman - Rifle, Mitchel Jungert - Camping, First Aid and Woodcarving, Kevin Karel - Canoeing, Wilderness Survival and Citizenship in the Nation, Mike Karel - Archery, Basketry & Canoeing, Jared Litchfield - Rifle, Woodcarving and Swimming, Jared Nau - Rowing and Canoeing, Jason VonBargen - Wilderness Survival, Rowing, Canoeing and Citizenship in the Nation,  Reid Wendel - Swimming, Canoeing and Archery, Garrett Workman - Leatherworking.
Most of the merit badges were earned at summer camp, which is partially funded by the sale of popcorn.  The troop would like to thank the community for their support of this fundraiser and would like to remind everyone that the Boy Scouts will again be selling popcorn starting October 1st.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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