assistance meeting planned
If you have anything to do with any youth groups or youth in general, the Cottonwood Police Department requests you attend a meeting. After several years of working with the local youth and their advisors, and meeting with the district health department, we need to see who is doing what and where the gaps are that may need to be filled. I also understand that with sports, school, 4-H, family and the numerous other demand that are on people today more meetings is just what you DON’T want. I would like to use this ONE TIME gathering to see what all is going on with each group, and if something is being duplicated then perhaps figure out a way to have the groups work together, which will cut down on the donated time by the parents. I would also like to use this meeting as a ‘survey’ if you will so that we can evaluate what we may need to do to increase the effectiveness of each group. Additionally, there is a good likelihood that we may be able to find funding, DOLLARS, to assist you or your group. I would like to invite all Boy Scout, Girl Scout, Church Group, Youth For Justice, Teens for Justice, Drug Free, Juvenile Probation, 4-H leaders, Teachers, Counselors, ANYONE who deals with youth in a positive way to let the rest of us know what you are doing, how you do it, and in what areas you may need help. This will be held at the Cottonwood Community Hall on October 20th at 6:30 P.M. PLEASE make every effort to attend other parents as well as yourself will be attending and I would like to take as little of everyone’s time as possible. Together, we can make our children’s lives better, and when we work as a community great things can happen. Terry S. Cochran Chief of Police City of Cottonwood |