Updated October 13, 2005
Sr. Corinne Forsmann joins hospital staff
Sister Corrine Forsman, OSB, recently joined the staff of St. Mary’s and Clearwater Valley Hospital and Clinics as their Mission Integration Director.  She replaces Sr. Barbara Jean Glodowski, OSB, who is currently serving as Director of the Spirit Center at St. Gertrude’s Monastery, Cottonwood. . . .
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Hospital to note 75th anniversary
Our Lady of Consolation Hospital first opened its doors on November 3, 1930.  Seventy Five years later St. Mary’s Hospital, Cottonwood, will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary by inviting the communities they serve to a dance at Greencreek Community Hall. . . .
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Council candidates sought
The City of Cottonwood is electing 3 council members Tuesday, Nov. 8. . . .
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Sixth graders present slide show to commissioners
On Monday October 3rd, Kyle Uhlenkott, Jarett Frei, Tucker Stefan and Megan Sigler presented a slide show to the Idaho County Commissioners. . . .
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VFW offers essay competition
The V.F.W. sponsored Patriot’s Pen essay competition in progress.  The essay competition is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students enrolled in public, private or parochial schools. . . .
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Pirates lose big to Troy
A depleted Prairie football team managed to keep the game going well into the fourth quarter as they lost 12-60 to Troy Friday, Oct. 7 at Cottonwood. . . .
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Lady Pirates win twice; start District Saturday
The Prairie volleyball team picked up another pair of league wins last week, sweeping both Lapwai and Nezperce giving them 4 straight victories. . . .
They start district Saturday at approximately 2:30 p.m. against Nezperce at Troy. . . .
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Summit holds open house
On September 23rd, Summit Academy hosted an “Experience the Classroom” night designed to better inform the parents on Summit’s unique program. . . .
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Rosemary Agee, LPN, left, and Megan Wilson, FNP, PNP, right, in all three pictures present  student body presidents checks generated from $15 for each sports physical taken by the respective school  athletes.  In the top photo they present to Prairie High School student body president Adeline Lustig. In the middle photo to Prairie Middle School president David Sigler and in the bottom photo to Summit Academy president Brandon Rehder.

Brock Heath, 7th grade student at Prairie Middle School, received $20.00 from the State Department of Education. Every year the state department holds a poster contest open to elementary and middle school students. This contests asks students to promote safe busing and asks students to design a poster telling their story. Brock's entry took third place for the entire state.

Being at school and in class daily is very important. Prairie Middle School is rewarding students with an attendance drawing held once a month. Every week that a student is in attendance, their name is put in a box for the drawing at the end of each month. Various prizes will be awarded. For the month of September, baskets were made up of supplies needed to make ice cream sundaes. September winners--Levi Lustig 5th grade, Francesca Johnson 7th grade. Attendance for the month of September was 96.74%. 

Some of the Prairie 6th graders who attended the science camp at McCall are shown with the Idaho County Commissioners who helped sponsor their trip. See story at left. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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